Thursday, October 22, 2009

We have a 2nd story... and snow!

The good news is they got the 2nd story outside walls framed... the bad news is that we also got several inches of snow today. Check calendar. Yep. October 22. Since when do they forecast 3-6" of snow on October 22? Apparently in 2009! Hopefully it warms up soon.

Here are a few shots of the progress. It looks a bit like a look-out tower but the contractor assures me the porch and siding will "tone it down". Hope so. The neighbors have already called to see how much higher we are going.

Isn't this the coolest view from my new laundry room? Who wouldn't love to do chores in a room like this?!?!?

Aside from the water running down the wall and into the existing house last night and a minor re-do of the upstairs floor plan due to a glitch in the stairway layout, I think things are going well!

1 comment:

  1. This is gonna be so cool! Wait until things get finished on the outside before you freak out. Keep the updates coming! P.S. I'm very jealous.


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