Thursday, September 29, 2011

A new addition to the farm...

The word is out that the family made a little road trip last weekend.... to a CHICKEN SALE!  I know you are all just dying to know what the heck a chicken sale is so you'll have to check back soon to get the full story, complete with pics.  It's pretty much what you are already imagining but I do have proof in case you think that might be too hard to believe.  In the meantime, I had to share my cuties with their new pals.  I never knew chickens could be "tame" but these certainly are.  The kids are already talking about taking them to the fair next year.  I just want to have scambled eggs between now and then.  We'll see how it turns out!  
Chicken Sale post coming soon.  You know you want the scoop! 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Horse Show...the last summer fling

One final horse show of the summer. One final fling before the tack is stored and the horses are ignored allowed to roam free in the pasture.  One final gathering of new friends made over the summer.

I guess all that is true but it doesn't seem possible that it's September already.  This was more of a relaxed, fun show up at the Curtis Ag Tech School.  It was so cold that week I couldn't stand the thought of giving Sonny a bath with ice cold water so we did a "brush and go" this time.  And FYI...I could get used to that!  The nice thing about the smaller show was that they let the little kids do a walk-trot pleasure class so Nate actually got to show a little bit this time.  As usual, he was all smiles and he did great.  Ally had a great day too and competed against some much older kids so it was a good "learning" experience.  All in all, it was another fun family day and we are glad Gail got to join us fairly early. I'm not the horse person in the family so we are all relieved when he shows up! Especially when he's there in time to back the trailer out for us!! 

 Have a great weekend!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Horsin' Around

Yesterday Gail and the kids had the horses out messing around and I was loving the view from my kitchen window.  Everytime I looked up I would see them weaving in the trees or chasing each other.  I couldn't resist grabbing the camera and capturing a few moments.  Wish they would stay little forever...

Ally decided to ride bareback.  It does wonders for improving balance and riding skills... plus it saves a lot of time from saddling him up!!!

Throw 'em on a horse and they turn into best buddies!

My little one looks SOOOO Big on his paint horse!

Nate was all smiles yesterday.... the horse must have been cooperating for him!

Every little girl's dream....

Sonny has strict instructions to take good care of her... So far he has listened well.
Hope you all have a GREAT labor day weekend!!!