Thursday, September 2, 2010

Summer Daze

As much as we complain about the hot days of summer, I'm always a little sad when the nights start to cool off. It's a tell-tale sign that fall is nearing and the beautiful colors that filled the flower beds won't be with us much longer. Enjoy it while it lasts. As my kids say, the trees will soon be "naked" again and we'll be wishing for those hot days! So today, I'm thankful for these:

Knockout Shrub Roses

Regrowth on Salvia Cardonna

Red and White Verbena

Purple Cone Flowers

Black Eyed Susans

Silky Gold Asclepias

Purple Morning Glories

Have a great day and don't forget to stop and admire your flowers!!!


  1. I'm so not ready for the end of summer.... =(

  2. Hmm... lost my comment? We look forward to fall here in Orlando, after the dog days of summer, but I get what you're saying. The blooms are gorgeous... enjoy them a little longer!



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